First of all, I broke the glass lid of our Rice Cooker mainly for the reason that I was really in the hurry and I accidentally dropped the cover of the rice cooker. The height of where I usually put it is around 1.2 meters in height, enough to break something when a glass or a plate vulnerable to breakage and highly fragile is dropped at that height. Well, for me, what happened now is really what should be happening, maybe it is the destiny of the lid of the rice cooker to be dropped and therefore ending its usage as a useful tool. haha.XD
Sad to say, my mom will be the biggest challenge I will soon face. As far as you know, my mom is a different person, although all of us usually say that our mom is different and yeah they're the best and everything, fairly speaking my mom is very different in her own ways in which me myself don't understand sometimes. Yes, all mothers scold their sons and daughters if they did something wrong. However, to all of you listening to my ubiquitous statements here regarding parents or if you yourself can relate, my mother sees all things as perfect as it can be, and she firmly believes that all mistakes are avoidable as long as you work hard on it and you did all your best to make something productive. I know that maybe at least 2%-10% of mothers have the same attitude.
We are 7 in the family, my father is sick in heart disease or something and all of my brothers and sisters are going to school, including me ofcourse. Among the 7, only 1 is earning enough money for the entire family. Uhmn. did I say enough? whew! but surely if we'll lower our standard of living even more below the normal poverty line, it will surely be enough. However, we don't usually live in that way. Me myself have pride in something and I only believe nothing but myself, some mentors, my family and god. In my own opinion and observation, mom is highly pressured about the current status of my family. She need to do hard work and earn much money and stuffs.
As expected, I'll surely be scolded why I broke such things. But sad because I don't deserve to be hated in something that already happened and cannot be returned to its original status. But, to make the long day short, I need to face it or else I'll be bringing the fear and deep feeling of something just like what you usually feel when you're about to be scolded.
Since I mentioned about rice cookers, for your information, I don't usually cook. Well, I cook because my mom forces me to do so and sometimes I need to in order to eat. Among the intelligence or talent that god has given me, I think I'm really less in cooking. Sometimes, without those msgs and stuff, I would highly prefer to eat something canned[de lata] instead of cooking for my own. Yeah, how I wish!~
&& yeah, I need to cook now... in this middle of summer only me and my older brother is around since my younger brother and sister together with my father went on a summer escapade in Barili, Cebu. not cool:| As far as you know, I can never rely on my brother, he is willing to stay in front of the computer rather than eat. hahaha.XD
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