Whew! finally I've reached the page where I can write something in it, well in this case another post in my online diary. My brother is using the other computer which has obviously faster internet connection somewhat attracting more bytes to enter it's wires connected directly to the router. As a consequence, I'm currently suffering from slow and laggish internet speed right now. But it's okay, after writing this post I'm going to sleep already. A very deep sleep where I'll forget all the bad memories I have, my self-made sufferings due to greater expectations in many things.
This morning I woke up exactly 7:00 in the morning, very early huh!. Actually, I did it in purpose because I want to extend my time in using the computer. I'm morning schedule as what we had agreed with my siblings. In our house, We have 2 computers and 1 laptop, but due to misfortune the laptop is currently in bad status and needs repair that will cost huge amount of pesos which will make it a better choice to buy a new one. Since we don't have enough money to buy a new one and considering that we cannot trust laptops sold here in the Philippines, we need to fix it and spend money to use it, and we don't have a choice.haizt...
I intended to woke up that early just to play with my childish restaurant game called restaurant city in facebook. Facebook is a social network which proves itself to be more useful than the much popular Friendster. At first I was against it and said that people using those stuffs as their main socializing site are feelers and going with the flow with the Americans who use it more frequently. Me myself realize how good is Facebook compared to Friendster. Facebook contains application and gadgets which makes you more connected with your friends, one of these stuffs is the game called restaurant city. Friends of yours which play restaurant city can view how good your restaurant is. I had fun playing that game and realized that it is very addicting. However, now I'm quitting it already. You should know it, I'm a very big quitter! XD
Aside from waking up early just to look at my account in restaurant city, I wanted to see the drama series entitled 'One Liter of Tears'. It is the story of a girl which is chosen by a very strange uncurable disease. I began watching the movie 10:00 in the morning, but due to some disturbances, I can't finish it now. But, I swear that I will really finish it tomorrow, hope so. I have a lot of insights regarding the story which is still stored in my mind right now. Although unlike drama series and action movies commonly seen in everyday television, I already know the plot and the ending of the story and I know that it is very bad and cruel. After I finish with the story I will make a long reflection about it and post some links here in this blog, maybe tomorrow or whatT_T
Two hours ago, I had a little confrontation with my elder brother, I don't want to compute but he is about 3 years older that me. He has insights in life in which me myself don't understand it sometimes. However, I promise myself not to make a dispute with him anymore so at that time 2 hours ago, I just keep my silence and shut my mouth. Funny it is, I'm a kind of person who speaks more words including bad words when I'm happy, If you see me silent you should keep out cause that is the time where I'm angry ready to have a bite fight. I'm currently not in the mood and yes I'm suffering from self-made loses in life.
This morning I woke up exactly 7:00 in the morning, very early huh!. Actually, I did it in purpose because I want to extend my time in using the computer. I'm morning schedule as what we had agreed with my siblings. In our house, We have 2 computers and 1 laptop, but due to misfortune the laptop is currently in bad status and needs repair that will cost huge amount of pesos which will make it a better choice to buy a new one. Since we don't have enough money to buy a new one and considering that we cannot trust laptops sold here in the Philippines, we need to fix it and spend money to use it, and we don't have a choice.haizt...
I intended to woke up that early just to play with my childish restaurant game called restaurant city in facebook. Facebook is a social network which proves itself to be more useful than the much popular Friendster. At first I was against it and said that people using those stuffs as their main socializing site are feelers and going with the flow with the Americans who use it more frequently. Me myself realize how good is Facebook compared to Friendster. Facebook contains application and gadgets which makes you more connected with your friends, one of these stuffs is the game called restaurant city. Friends of yours which play restaurant city can view how good your restaurant is. I had fun playing that game and realized that it is very addicting. However, now I'm quitting it already. You should know it, I'm a very big quitter! XD
Aside from waking up early just to look at my account in restaurant city, I wanted to see the drama series entitled 'One Liter of Tears'. It is the story of a girl which is chosen by a very strange uncurable disease. I began watching the movie 10:00 in the morning, but due to some disturbances, I can't finish it now. But, I swear that I will really finish it tomorrow, hope so. I have a lot of insights regarding the story which is still stored in my mind right now. Although unlike drama series and action movies commonly seen in everyday television, I already know the plot and the ending of the story and I know that it is very bad and cruel. After I finish with the story I will make a long reflection about it and post some links here in this blog, maybe tomorrow or whatT_T
Two hours ago, I had a little confrontation with my elder brother, I don't want to compute but he is about 3 years older that me. He has insights in life in which me myself don't understand it sometimes. However, I promise myself not to make a dispute with him anymore so at that time 2 hours ago, I just keep my silence and shut my mouth. Funny it is, I'm a kind of person who speaks more words including bad words when I'm happy, If you see me silent you should keep out cause that is the time where I'm angry ready to have a bite fight. I'm currently not in the mood and yes I'm suffering from self-made loses in life.
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