I woke up 9 in the morning today. My mom woke me up because she wants me to do something which can really make me uncomfortable, but I guess I have no choice and I need to do it. HAHA. If you're curious of what I am about to do cause now I'm still sitting infront of our computer typing enormously as fast as I can so that I'll finish earlier in time, I'm doing my brother's laundry, He's my younger brother and I guess it can't be helped so I'm doing it. huhuhu... but it's okay, It's experience for me.
I had breakfast at around 9:30 in the morning, the food was normal, rice with egg and dried fish. At first it's okay with me and I really want to eat some dried fish especially if it's early in the morning, but ofcourse I only eat some varieties the rest can be arranged:) What made me feel bad in eating is that seeing my father using his bare hands to eat his food and maybe it's the main reason why I don't want to join them in the dining table. Well, our dining table is a bit small and it can't accomodate us all but when there's space I sit on it and it's always a pain in my ass and it's so ridiculous, really! Sometimes he even uses his bare hands in handling foods and not using the serving spoon, he even puts his hands on our plates. I wanna shout YUCKS! wtf it's so ridiculous and even how hungry I am or how delicious the food is, I suddenly lose appetite.
Back to yesterday, My Mom and my Granda together with my Aunt arrived yesterday. They arrived at about 11 in the morning and at that time, I was particularly awakened by my siblings doing rush hour in cleaning the house. Maybe they knew and surely they observed that my mother will really have a headache after seeing the house dirty. If that happens a drama will surely be a big hit, hitting not only theaters here in the Philippines but also International. But, what happened is really opposite from what we expected. My mom was not hot headed and although she complained from a headache, literally a headache, she's softly spoken and did not ask anything. Although that should be normal, I did'nt expect it and it really freaked me out if something has happen which we don't know.
With my Mom is my Grandma and my Aunt. My Aunt is still the same, still influential especially to my mother and sometimes I find her uncomfortable after seeing my Mom doing everything she says as if she controls my Mom. I said in my mind that my Mom is not a robot and she has her own ideas and mind, but I'm only a son and I have nothing to do with it, If I'll complain my mother will surely kill me. My Grandma is really not okay and as an old person I find her really weird, her tone of speaking is really really bad, she gives tactless comments and bad ideas as if she's talking in her own house. I really don't like her and I'm uncomfortable after seeing her in our own house. My Mom really should've loved her so much that she and her siblings-my Aunts and can take her bad talking. But to me, don't she ever say those weird and uneducated words in front of me, I feel like shooting my big punch in her small face. I'll keep on track of course, haiiszzt!
But, they brought something nice from their trip in Davao and it's food! Here's my favorite Brownies they brought home....

Enclosed in this box....

It's really delicious but too bad we don't have enough to fill all our stomachs!
Today is Payday is the title of my post today cause this night we'll be going to a debut party! it sounds exciting but I really don't like going to a debut party especially if it's for my relatives on father's side. I feel that I don't belong and I had bad memories with my cousins in father's side when I was young. They still don't know me and they always reject me, I don't care and I'll reject them too if they do that now. They always do that when I was still young, now I think they're too shy to do such act. Do it and I'll surely kill them.
The party is scheduled at 6 in the evening and I still have enough time to be prepared but I'm really very nervous cause I'm facing my relatives to whom my father has always bragged me to them. My father has always said good things about me and made my relatives expect too much from me, as what the saying is "counting the chicks even if the eggs hasn't hatched yet" really hits my situation right now. I'm really really nervous right now and I don't know If they already knew my failures and I'm not proud by saying it in front of them. Argghhh!
For that, I'll yell and cheer-GOOD LUCK JULIUS!
I had breakfast at around 9:30 in the morning, the food was normal, rice with egg and dried fish. At first it's okay with me and I really want to eat some dried fish especially if it's early in the morning, but ofcourse I only eat some varieties the rest can be arranged:) What made me feel bad in eating is that seeing my father using his bare hands to eat his food and maybe it's the main reason why I don't want to join them in the dining table. Well, our dining table is a bit small and it can't accomodate us all but when there's space I sit on it and it's always a pain in my ass and it's so ridiculous, really! Sometimes he even uses his bare hands in handling foods and not using the serving spoon, he even puts his hands on our plates. I wanna shout YUCKS! wtf it's so ridiculous and even how hungry I am or how delicious the food is, I suddenly lose appetite.
Back to yesterday, My Mom and my Granda together with my Aunt arrived yesterday. They arrived at about 11 in the morning and at that time, I was particularly awakened by my siblings doing rush hour in cleaning the house. Maybe they knew and surely they observed that my mother will really have a headache after seeing the house dirty. If that happens a drama will surely be a big hit, hitting not only theaters here in the Philippines but also International. But, what happened is really opposite from what we expected. My mom was not hot headed and although she complained from a headache, literally a headache, she's softly spoken and did not ask anything. Although that should be normal, I did'nt expect it and it really freaked me out if something has happen which we don't know.
With my Mom is my Grandma and my Aunt. My Aunt is still the same, still influential especially to my mother and sometimes I find her uncomfortable after seeing my Mom doing everything she says as if she controls my Mom. I said in my mind that my Mom is not a robot and she has her own ideas and mind, but I'm only a son and I have nothing to do with it, If I'll complain my mother will surely kill me. My Grandma is really not okay and as an old person I find her really weird, her tone of speaking is really really bad, she gives tactless comments and bad ideas as if she's talking in her own house. I really don't like her and I'm uncomfortable after seeing her in our own house. My Mom really should've loved her so much that she and her siblings-my Aunts and can take her bad talking. But to me, don't she ever say those weird and uneducated words in front of me, I feel like shooting my big punch in her small face. I'll keep on track of course, haiiszzt!
But, they brought something nice from their trip in Davao and it's food! Here's my favorite Brownies they brought home....

Enclosed in this box....

It's really delicious but too bad we don't have enough to fill all our stomachs!
Today is Payday is the title of my post today cause this night we'll be going to a debut party! it sounds exciting but I really don't like going to a debut party especially if it's for my relatives on father's side. I feel that I don't belong and I had bad memories with my cousins in father's side when I was young. They still don't know me and they always reject me, I don't care and I'll reject them too if they do that now. They always do that when I was still young, now I think they're too shy to do such act. Do it and I'll surely kill them.
The party is scheduled at 6 in the evening and I still have enough time to be prepared but I'm really very nervous cause I'm facing my relatives to whom my father has always bragged me to them. My father has always said good things about me and made my relatives expect too much from me, as what the saying is "counting the chicks even if the eggs hasn't hatched yet" really hits my situation right now. I'm really really nervous right now and I don't know If they already knew my failures and I'm not proud by saying it in front of them. Argghhh!
For that, I'll yell and cheer-GOOD LUCK JULIUS!