I'm recently and forever addicted to cars cars cars and CARS. I just don't know why.
Most people at my age dream of iPod, Blackberry, High-end Phones, Notebooks, and etc.
While I'm into CARS. Isn't it weird? hahahaha:P
Most people at my age dream of iPod, Blackberry, High-end Phones, Notebooks, and etc.
While I'm into CARS. Isn't it weird? hahahaha:P

These are HYUNDAI MOTORS, made in South Korea. They just upgraded some of their factories which made these awesome cars. One of which is green:))---below. Hyundai motors is a newcomer in car production, their styles are among the newest and most innovative ones worldwide.

Next is the KIA MOTORS, still made in South Korea. Their styles are somewhat the same of that of the Hyundais... however they are much cheaper I think. Generally they're of the same kind of Hyundai:)

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