I was thinking of a lot of New Year's RESOLUTION, however due to normal promises that are meant to be broken, I find it stupid to impose something to myself which I know will not happen in the end. So, I'll only have some the least resolution as possible. I don't know if this will be a resolution, but I'll pray and I hope My-Friend(Jesus Christ) will help me.
>Reduce reliance on things which are not that important/not that needed. Mostly material things.
>Don't waste time minding people which don't mind you. This is already done, I'm successful with this but I wanna implement this more and MORE. The adverse effects are bad but the peace of mind it gives is highly rewarding.
>The computer is not a friend. Well in general sense, as for ME, I don't get anything good in spending so much time in front of the computer.
>Be civilized, understand people even though sometimes they're so stupid/dumb/idiot you just can't understand and stand it. There's no wrong in being silent, pretend you accept theirs and pretend as if you're such an ever understanding plastic friend. It's better to pretend-pretend-pretend-pretend, plastic-synthetic-plastic-synthetic than find pathetic arguments and worse--trouble.T.T
>It's their loss, not yours. The thought is simple.
>Be firm with your decisions, in the end it's still your decision. Your decision and how you decide is the most integral part of you which makes you YOU. It reflects how strong your personality is and how invulnerable you are to depressions and unlikely effects due to misdirection.
>Be good(at least for Him), My-Friend is always there to talk to you. When you don't understand(obviously emotionally and socially), just talk to him its his plans so he knows everything.
>Don't talk too much, you're not a talkshow host. My-Friend always reminded me to do so. I always forgot.
Anyways that's all, 2009 has been bad and good. Overall, I can't say. Past is past, ROCK FOR 2010.!!!
The Party
I wasn't able to post anything last Tuesday. I had so much fun on Twitter, "twitter" is a micro-blogging society/tool which allows you to post status-like messages called "tweets" in which your reader/followers can read and in return you can read theirs too. Anyways twitter has nothing to do with what has transpired, I was so tired at that time to do some blogging.
Last December 29, Tuesday as far as I can recall it, we had our reunion-like Christmas Party. Although, of the 36 batch-mates that were probably invited, only around 22+ attended. I don't know if they were invited properly or not, but on my experience I think they were not invited-for some reason. In my case I only knew that there will be a party right at the day itself. Our teacher before, which didn't came, PMed me at FB chat asking me if I could go to the "party". At the chat, I reacted like WTF! what party? and what preparation? Good that my batch-mate NSA cadet D/C Manayon informed me properly right after the PM, someone might have asked him to do so.XD
In a hurry I went to the nearest mall, it was 9 in the morning. I bought a gift, it was a cap worth 99 pesos which is well above the average worth of gifts given at the party at 5o pesos minimum. I know that I always receive not-so-good gifts compared to what I give, but I don't mind it(it's better to give than to receive). I arrived at the venue at around 1 in the afternoon, I was so happy at that moment!
In my surprise the 1 o'clock party didn't start directly, from 1 to 3 in the afternoon all I was doing right at that moment was sit and kill the time. My high school classmates mentioned "you're so silent!". I didn't reply, in my mind I'm so confused... am I that naughty or annoying before? I don't think I've changed, deep in my mind I know that I'm still the same. I may have my limitations, but I certainly know how to weigh and prioritize things in right order. Should I call myself "mature" now?
My fellow scholar-cadets arrived later, we had a lot of talking done(the four of us) and soon to be done. One hour is not enough to talk everything that we experienced in hell and surprisingly it all fitted! We have the same complains and opinions! Oh, I just love to talk to them more. hahahaha.
The party started fun and all the way it was so good. I just can't imagine that I'll see again the faces which was an integral part of my high school life. Though I don't know if they value me, it may not be obvious but I really value them to the highest point. It's like YEARS since I last saw them. Although only a few changed, I didn't know that I'll see them again and within the four plus months that we we're in inclusion I just can't imagine if I'll see them again and if I will what will their reaction be and what's mine too.
It ended good, with a kiss of vodka on my throat! I really love VODKA! if only it's not a beverage, I'll drink vodka everyday!
Anyways, I wont expect but I hope there will be next time.XD
Last December 29, Tuesday as far as I can recall it, we had our reunion-like Christmas Party. Although, of the 36 batch-mates that were probably invited, only around 22+ attended. I don't know if they were invited properly or not, but on my experience I think they were not invited-for some reason. In my case I only knew that there will be a party right at the day itself. Our teacher before, which didn't came, PMed me at FB chat asking me if I could go to the "party". At the chat, I reacted like WTF! what party? and what preparation? Good that my batch-mate NSA cadet D/C Manayon informed me properly right after the PM, someone might have asked him to do so.XD
In a hurry I went to the nearest mall, it was 9 in the morning. I bought a gift, it was a cap worth 99 pesos which is well above the average worth of gifts given at the party at 5o pesos minimum. I know that I always receive not-so-good gifts compared to what I give, but I don't mind it(it's better to give than to receive). I arrived at the venue at around 1 in the afternoon, I was so happy at that moment!
In my surprise the 1 o'clock party didn't start directly, from 1 to 3 in the afternoon all I was doing right at that moment was sit and kill the time. My high school classmates mentioned "you're so silent!". I didn't reply, in my mind I'm so confused... am I that naughty or annoying before? I don't think I've changed, deep in my mind I know that I'm still the same. I may have my limitations, but I certainly know how to weigh and prioritize things in right order. Should I call myself "mature" now?
My fellow scholar-cadets arrived later, we had a lot of talking done(the four of us) and soon to be done. One hour is not enough to talk everything that we experienced in hell and surprisingly it all fitted! We have the same complains and opinions! Oh, I just love to talk to them more. hahahaha.
The party started fun and all the way it was so good. I just can't imagine that I'll see again the faces which was an integral part of my high school life. Though I don't know if they value me, it may not be obvious but I really value them to the highest point. It's like YEARS since I last saw them. Although only a few changed, I didn't know that I'll see them again and within the four plus months that we we're in inclusion I just can't imagine if I'll see them again and if I will what will their reaction be and what's mine too.
It ended good, with a kiss of vodka on my throat! I really love VODKA! if only it's not a beverage, I'll drink vodka everyday!
Anyways, I wont expect but I hope there will be next time.XD
Picture Perfect XD
Our BS-T Seminar
Last week we had our BS-T seminar, the reason why we were not out earlier.XD

The orange stuff are life jackets. I know it looks ugly and the color itself needs immediate help, but for future seafarers like us it is very important and our life at dangerous situations depends on the knowledge we have about personal safety on-board.

We jumped into the pool with our jeans, casual T-shirt, and shoes!

I know my drawing is ugly

built for resource
utilized by DOTA, Farmville, Y8, & etc!.XD
built for resource
utilized by DOTA, Farmville, Y8, & etc!.XD

We're challenged to make like this. hahaha

The valedictorians, from left to right Coyoca from Daan Bantayan, Cadungog from Consolacion, Guillermo from Badian, Zamora from CIT, the last... nevermind.x)hahhahaha

Long live 404ians!!!
The mes shall, who fed us from start until now. We owed a lot. THANKS:D

A very nice view of downtown Cebu's skyline featuring Colon in the foreground and squatters beyond the SRP road.

Christmas in the HEART:)
Posted by
on Thursday, December 24, 2009
Comments: (9)
Just yesterday I realized, wtf! it's Christmas time! and honestly time is so slow. I feel like it's been years since I started counting down before Christmas, until I forgot that it's actually so so near. When December started all I was looking forward was the vacation itself, not the thrill, the food, the church, the gifts, and the reunions for Christmas. God made me realize that I was looking forward too much that I already forgot the "now" that is more important.
I wanna greet happy birthday to my BEST of all best friends, Jesus Christ(is there any best friend I can call?). Well, I guess he's the only one and I know that like her(this blog) they're the only one who listens to me the whole time.
Contrary to what people observed on me, to be honest I'm a strong Christian who follows none other than Jesus and his teachings. I don't read bible that much and I'm not an acolyte to know everything related to inherited traditions from church. I don't know where does those traditions came from, but as a respect of my sector in Christianity I try to understand it fully. I regard myself as a full "Christian" rather than a Catholic or Protestant. I go to Protestant churches sometimes and I don't see any differences on the two. Well, the Catholic mass is a bit more boring and the Protestant churches are normally lively or what. It actually depends on how the people perceive on that. However, people are regarded more religious when they put God in their heart rather than going to church as a sort of compliance and a "need to do task" on Sundays.
Anyways, before we dig more on religion... let me change the topic. The past days I was feeling bad(emotionally) and physically. I feel like I need more exercise or what. At first I try to give distance to 'emotional allergens' that might only worsen my situation. However, I find the conservative approach rather discouraging. Why do I need to hurt myself by avoiding someone when I can be me and live right?
The previous mistake was already checked. I feel that I'm not making anymore efforts for something-I'm tired and I'm used to it, my Best2x Friend knows what is it and though I wanna share it to you it needs a lot of explanation and I know that people just wont understand so no need to waste effort. The direct message is that, I just wanna be me and not someone, I just wanna be there loved probably or if not it's still okay, I just wanna be stable. Is it that hard?
GOD HELP! anyways I may sound emotional right now but honestly I don't feel any emotions as of this time. I feel normal and I'm tired of thinking of a lot of things lately, the point is why do I make effort right? It's still my decisions that affects me in the end:)
I wanna greet happy birthday to my BEST of all best friends, Jesus Christ(is there any best friend I can call?). Well, I guess he's the only one and I know that like her(this blog) they're the only one who listens to me the whole time.
Contrary to what people observed on me, to be honest I'm a strong Christian who follows none other than Jesus and his teachings. I don't read bible that much and I'm not an acolyte to know everything related to inherited traditions from church. I don't know where does those traditions came from, but as a respect of my sector in Christianity I try to understand it fully. I regard myself as a full "Christian" rather than a Catholic or Protestant. I go to Protestant churches sometimes and I don't see any differences on the two. Well, the Catholic mass is a bit more boring and the Protestant churches are normally lively or what. It actually depends on how the people perceive on that. However, people are regarded more religious when they put God in their heart rather than going to church as a sort of compliance and a "need to do task" on Sundays.
Anyways, before we dig more on religion... let me change the topic. The past days I was feeling bad(emotionally) and physically. I feel like I need more exercise or what. At first I try to give distance to 'emotional allergens' that might only worsen my situation. However, I find the conservative approach rather discouraging. Why do I need to hurt myself by avoiding someone when I can be me and live right?
The previous mistake was already checked. I feel that I'm not making anymore efforts for something-I'm tired and I'm used to it, my Best2x Friend knows what is it and though I wanna share it to you it needs a lot of explanation and I know that people just wont understand so no need to waste effort. The direct message is that, I just wanna be me and not someone, I just wanna be there loved probably or if not it's still okay, I just wanna be stable. Is it that hard?
GOD HELP! anyways I may sound emotional right now but honestly I don't feel any emotions as of this time. I feel normal and I'm tired of thinking of a lot of things lately, the point is why do I make effort right? It's still my decisions that affects me in the end:)
put title:what do you think?
Posted by
on Saturday, December 19, 2009
Comments: (3)
note: I know there are no readers of this blog, but since this is a personal blog. I wanna address a sorry message to her(I refer to my blog).
Dear High:
-It's still me:) I sound stupid, so? this is my blog.
Dear High:
Sorry I was not able to write anything to you for the last few days, weeks, months, years... century? I was having a hard time doing so. My schedule was not that tough but finding my place in front of a good PC or a laptop maybe is crazy, I feel like kilometers away when it's just in front of me-you know what I mean. My birthday had passed and now it's been two weeks since I scheduled myself to be with you on that special day. You just don't know how excited I am to report to you what happened on that day, It was awesome and though I spent it partly away from my family my friends showed me the real essence of birthdays with them.
When I first created you, I want you to be the listener to what I always say to people. I criticize, I cuss, and I say 'shit' things about them to you. You're the witness to how I change my belief from a predominantly racist and radical to a more mature, industrial and liberal person. You've been my colleague in rationalizing my mind and an obvious evidence of that is on how I write to you. I realized how things really matter in this world, from a blog like you to real applications which show how you deal with situations-bad ones.
I made you out of my imagination of a perfect person. I was jealous and I envy that person very much. Then, I realized... should I suppress myself? and if I would, will it do any good? My dorm mate told me that "If you see me that and not what is now, then it wouldn't be me anymore". I confess I was trying to be the good boy when the real me coincides. Until I realized I can never be the good person that I wished for. However, one friend said to me "you can always be you for as long as people see the real you not the fake one, no matter how bad you are for as long as you're not fake and you respect other people and not hurt them".
Somehow you can say that I forgot about you during those long months without posts. That was July, I was longing to much to write everything to you. No matter how many people read or care to everything I write to you, it doesn't matter. I don't care and somehow I already realized a lot. I'm longing to be your friend 'forever'.
When I first created you, I want you to be the listener to what I always say to people. I criticize, I cuss, and I say 'shit' things about them to you. You're the witness to how I change my belief from a predominantly racist and radical to a more mature, industrial and liberal person. You've been my colleague in rationalizing my mind and an obvious evidence of that is on how I write to you. I realized how things really matter in this world, from a blog like you to real applications which show how you deal with situations-bad ones.
I made you out of my imagination of a perfect person. I was jealous and I envy that person very much. Then, I realized... should I suppress myself? and if I would, will it do any good? My dorm mate told me that "If you see me that and not what is now, then it wouldn't be me anymore". I confess I was trying to be the good boy when the real me coincides. Until I realized I can never be the good person that I wished for. However, one friend said to me "you can always be you for as long as people see the real you not the fake one, no matter how bad you are for as long as you're not fake and you respect other people and not hurt them".
Somehow you can say that I forgot about you during those long months without posts. That was July, I was longing to much to write everything to you. No matter how many people read or care to everything I write to you, it doesn't matter. I don't care and somehow I already realized a lot. I'm longing to be your friend 'forever'.
-It's still me:) I sound stupid, so? this is my blog.